39. Role of court clerk. The clerk draws up the minutes of the hearing, noting(a) the name of the presiding Judge;
(b) the various stages of the hearing;
(c) the names of the lawyers and witnesses;
(d) the names of the clerk and the stenographer;
(e) the exhibits filed;
(f) the Court orders, and the decisions rendered without being taken under advisement, except those concerning the evidence given in the depositions;
(g) the admissions dictated to the stenographer or mechanically recorded;
(h) the admissions dictated to the court clerk, which must be signed by the parties or their lawyers; and
(i) where applicable, the reasons stated by the Court for not proceeding with the case.
Similarly, the court clerk marks the exhibits with a letter and series of numbers previously used, and indicates and initials the case number; the clerk indicates on the copies of doctrine and jurisprudence the name of the lawyer or party who filed it.
The clerk prepares a separate list of exhibits filed by each of the parties and describes each exhibit.
2016-05-20-aDecision 2016-05-20, s. 39.